
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Li2go & Its Competition

Competitor 1 Overview:
The application 1password sold within the app store, is a new app that allows users to store passwords on your must used websites along with your everyday bank. 1Passweord also known for a wallet feature that lets users upload things they normally have in their wallets like drugstore cards, library cards, and even your license. The only thing 1Password’s license feature doesn’t work when you get pulled over by the cops. Li2go will be able to be used when the cops are around. Clearly this app found someway to mount the information of the license onto the phone, but clearly as it stated the license isn’t useable.   
Not only is there a problem with getting the cops to actually accept the License on the phone, 1Password only works within the appstore, Li2go will work across all platforms.  In order to have a successful application on a smart phone it is very smart to not only appeal to iPhone users but android as well. All successful apps such as facebook and instagram, are more than one mobile platform friendly.

Competitor 2 Overview:
 Because the Drivers Ed IPhone and android app has been currently pulled from the app stores, it is clear that there was an error in the making of this application. First off the application was made to help you study and pass your permit test but apparently at the end it displays a drivers permit.  Many argued that it could be taken off the phone and used as a legit ID card.   According to the makers of Drivers Ed app, that wouldn’t be possible. Although li2go isn’t an application that helps you ace your permit test, it will be able to store ones Drivers License. Eventually Li2go will come up with a security factor that doesn’t allow people to create a fake ID. Lets say someone screen shots it, the license scanner will be voided if printed out. Also, potentially the license on the smartphone can say only for smartphone uses only and when the license gets printed out it will appear on the license.  This will let the authority’s know if someone is carrying around a fake license or one that is for smartphone use only.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Lecture Post , Hardware & Computer Science

Entrepreneurial Idea Overview :

License to go, is an application that keeps your license within your fingertips. It's meant to prevent any inconvenience a license may bring. Say a father rushed to pick his child up from school, but forgot his ID. Instead of panicking, he opened Li2go on his smartphone. 

Lecture Post : 

Cell phones continuously evolve every year. Now they are known as smart phones. The software and Hardware in today’s smartphone is better than actual computers used in 
previous years. Just like a computer, smartphones use hardware and computer forensics.  Li2go will have to use both hardware and computer forensics to operate efficiently. 

Computer Science & Li2go :

The application Li2go will be featured on smartphones, and will require computer forensics in order for the information of the license to be displayed.  For people who do not know, computer science is what cell phones use to back up many things such as text messages, Internet history, and location information.  After the person swipes their license, computer science will save the information.  This was when the user wants to use their license; they will not have to swipe again.

Hardware & Li2go:

The hardware on Li2go will be the scanner. The scanner that gets attached to the phone, somewhat like a bar code, will read the license after it has been swiped. Li2go requires precise hardware, or it will not function correctly. Smart phones also contain hardware or else they wouldn’t be able to run the way they do now. Such hardware includes, the software chips, battery, and a CPU.  Li2go will need the basic hardware that goes into a cell phone so that the application will actually run.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Lecture Post & Li2go

Entrepreneurial Idea Overview

License to go, is an application that keeps your license within your fingertips. It's meant to prevent any inconvenience a license may bring. Say a father rushed to pick his child up from school, but forgot his ID. Instead of panicking, he opened Li2go on his smartphone.


Social media is a large part of twenty-first century society. A majority of America today have some kind of online networking site, whether it is email or a social network. With social networks come the issue of privacy. Some people don't understand the boundaries between what is meant to be put online and kept private. Li2go can be related to the lecture on privacy and social media. Both lectures covered topics that can improve Li2go in order for it to reach its full potential as an application. Some may say that an application related to something so secure and private cannot possibly be a part of social media, but that is where they are wrong.


Now that you are aware of what Li2go is, you might say many privacy factors could be violated with a license on a cell phone. Well after the Privacy lecture, I started to think of solutions that prevent people's ID information from getting exposed. After you swipe your ID and it shows up on the application, you have to answer a security question you created when first starting the application. You are not allowed you use your birthday or your mother’s maiden name. You must use mixed numbers and letters. This way if you lose the phone, someone will not be able to use your Identification.


As stated before social media is something that most people take part of these days. Just like many other applications, Li2go will be integrated with Facebook. Now, because this application contains very confidential information a user will only use Facebook in order to promote Li2go. The application on Facebook will not ask for or display any personal information that is on your ID, including the security question created when setting up the application. Each user who uses Li2go has the option to participate in telling others about the application, they do not necessarily have to use the application on Facebook.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Entrepreneurship Post

After many hours of researching and thinking of an entrepreneurial idea that I should create, I thought of an app. An app that keeps your drivers license within your fingertips at all times. Whenever you go out the app will be there. For example, lets say a parent has to rush and pick their child up from school, but unknowingly he/she accidentally leaves their ID. So while driving, he/she begins to speed and gets pulled over. Instead of panicking at a moment like this, the problem was easily resolved simply by pulling out a smartphone, and opening Li2go.

License to go, (Li2go) will read the information on your card and copy your picture ID exactly the same. Everything from the date of birth and face will be displayed on the screen. The same tool the IPhone currently uses to swipe credit cards and make transactions with, swiping your license will be just as easy. In order to prevent counterfeiting, only two cards will be allowed to swipe on one phone. Also the picture of the person will be displayed on the smartphone screen, so you clearly have to look like the person on card. When uploading the information from license to the phone, a notification will notify the user that the process is complete, the ID is registered, and the app is ready for use.

Just think about it. Never again will you have to leave the house forget your license and turn back around to pick it up. Many people find it a hassle to carry around a card just to make a quick errand or go anywhere in general.  Having this app also prevents you from loosing your driver’s license then to turn around and wait in a long DMV line. Li2go is the new revolutionary twenty-first century application that will solve this problem.