
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Lecture Post , Hardware & Computer Science

Entrepreneurial Idea Overview :

License to go, is an application that keeps your license within your fingertips. It's meant to prevent any inconvenience a license may bring. Say a father rushed to pick his child up from school, but forgot his ID. Instead of panicking, he opened Li2go on his smartphone. 

Lecture Post : 

Cell phones continuously evolve every year. Now they are known as smart phones. The software and Hardware in today’s smartphone is better than actual computers used in 
previous years. Just like a computer, smartphones use hardware and computer forensics.  Li2go will have to use both hardware and computer forensics to operate efficiently. 

Computer Science & Li2go :

The application Li2go will be featured on smartphones, and will require computer forensics in order for the information of the license to be displayed.  For people who do not know, computer science is what cell phones use to back up many things such as text messages, Internet history, and location information.  After the person swipes their license, computer science will save the information.  This was when the user wants to use their license; they will not have to swipe again.

Hardware & Li2go:

The hardware on Li2go will be the scanner. The scanner that gets attached to the phone, somewhat like a bar code, will read the license after it has been swiped. Li2go requires precise hardware, or it will not function correctly. Smart phones also contain hardware or else they wouldn’t be able to run the way they do now. Such hardware includes, the software chips, battery, and a CPU.  Li2go will need the basic hardware that goes into a cell phone so that the application will actually run.

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