
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Lecture Post : Cloud Computing

Entrepreneurial Idea Overview:
 License to go, is an application that keeps your license within your fingertips. It's meant to prevent any inconvenience a license may bring. Say a father rushed to pick his child up from school, but forgot his ID. Instead of panicking, he opened Li2go on his smartphone.
Lecture Post: 

What is Cloud Computing?
Today, many different kinds of computing and computer storage are being created on a year basis. In the past year or so cloud computing has become bigger than ever. For those who aren’t familiar as to what cloud computing is, it is the use of hardware and software over the Internet. It is called cloud computing because of the logo of the cloud, and the location of where everything is stored.  There are many different kinds of cloud computing some of the well known one includes IaaS, infrastructure as a service and PaaS , platform as a service . Common uses of both include a web server, database, virtual desktops, and Email.

Li2go Using Cloud Computing
With cloud computing such a booming form of new technology, it creates more resourceful ways to run applications. Instead of running LI2go myself, with cloud technology it will be ran over a shared data center.  This will prevent the hassle of a company trying to run a app themselves then potentially facing technical difficulties. When Li2go is available on the smartphone it will have no choice but to use cloud computing because many applications these days are ran through databases over Internet technology.  In many circumstances Li2go will depend on cloud computing.

When you first open Li2go a signal will be sent to IaaS and the software will begin to run. When the user swipes their license for the first time, the data and information behind the ID will store on cloud computing.  Li2go will be using cloud computing so that the person won’t have to always swipe their license. It also helps for when the passenger gets pulled over by the cops. The application will then again pull the information from the server allowing the cop to view the actual license on the phone.  Just like many other smartphone applications cloud computing will help shape the way Li2go is used.

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